A massive thanks to:
Paul aka Cheesybeanz (Gave up loads of time, weekends, days off to learn, mark out and tape up the course)
K, Lucy. (K also has completed many laps of the course with Paul above in order to make sure everything was good)
Jess (and Sam the dog)
Ryan aka The Swed
Paul U
Mikey B and Jen
My parents for running the sign on
My Brother, partner and lad for sorting the refreshments out
Ezy (sp?) for turning up with some beer in a corking VW ;-) (He may have been affected as he was asking the king of Sweden about getting a SS and a 650B at that)
Speech House hotel's staff for keeping us watered and fed
Forestry Commission despite giving us some scary sleepless nights the permission to ride on their land
The Rising Sun pub for trying to cope with over a 100 weirdos for lunch
Everyone who camped for leaving the field tidier than we found it
Freeminer Brewery for staying open a little longer on Friday in order for us to send Psling down to collect the beer as I forgot to go get it ;-0
i have delivared the cheese board back to the wood yard that made it for them to cut it up into 7 smaller cheese boards, 1 of these will be auctioned off and the money added to the £216 from the raffle then sent to the air ambulance
Well Done to:
Matt Page and Mel Alexander for being a try hard racer types hope you enjoy the chainwheel and sprocket courtesy of homebrewed components and the custom sterling silver and 18ct gold plated head badges courtesy of Rock Lobster jewellery
I'd also like to thank the rest of the knights of niche as without them i couldn't have put this togeather, they fed me the right info so i could just mix it togeather
jase aka king of sweden
matt aka sofaking
alex aka singlespeedpunk
peter aka psling
stu aka singlespeedstu
amanda aka queen of britain
mandi mrs ayatollahofniche
and finally unless I've forgotten something else a massive thanks to our sponsors or "Friends" over the =>
Sorry for:
the weather!
not mentioning the above thank you's in the prize giving as I was a little taken back with alex's outburst embarrassing me like that