registration and entries

although we originally had 250 spaces we have sent out over 300 invites as we have been allowed to increase the numbers slightly.
hurry up and register as we will be sending out some more invites at the end of January

here's a pic of the king of sweden taking in one of the Forest of Deans fine trials to whet the appetite

some invitations are out

If you've pre registered you may have been lucky enough to have of received sonething a little like the above over the last 24hrs! this means once you've paid you're in and can make plans for cheese, beer, whisky oh and travel..............
any questions please email us.

pre entries open

If you want to ride in the 2010 SSEC you'll need to register your interest by emailing:

In 10 words or less you'll have to complete the following sentence

i wana ride the ssec because ..................................

Also you will need to state your name and country
Only 2 registrations per email please.

If you're successful you'll be sent and invite within the next week or so, this will have details of what information we need from you and details of how to pay.


knights of niche

friday night cheese party news

our friends at rollapaluza are heading to the forest of dean with all their equipment so if you're all racey and fancy a shot at the SSEC title you'll have to stop eating cheese for a few minutes and set a qualifing time on the rollers in order to qualify for special start line for saturdays 'ride'.
once the qualifiers are done everyone else will then be able to battle it out for fun and maybe a prize!

order your cheese to avoid dissappointment

Cheese don't forget to order your cheese.

WHAT Gearing? What Tyres?

Before all the "What Gears, what tyres" questions start. Most people ride 2:1 round the FOD and they use rubber tyres with air inside.

The Knights of Niche announce SSEC2010 April 16-19th 2010:

The 2010 SSEC will be held in a secret* location within the Forest of Dean England. Itinerary will be loosely based on the following...

Friday PM, arrive, go for a guided ride for a few hours.
Friday Evening bring cheese and try for the worlds biggest cheese board, drink a few beers and party hard, there'll be advantages on the start line to those that party. (No cheese No entry)

Saturday AM recover, find bike, ride to a top secret location for a competitive ride (Anyone heard mentioning the word race will be thrown out or beaten)
Saturday PM Ride fast but not too fast.
Saturday PM/Eve Prize giving and party including live band.

Sunday Guided rides into the Forest of Dean with pub stops.
Sunday night chill out

Monday GO HOME

Entry fee will include 3 nights camping, entry into the rides, Saturday night party and food on the Saturday night.


*Details will be announced when a successful entry is gained.

TICK TOCK... it's brewing...